Seamlessly Open URLs in Flutter with the url_launcher Package

Seamlessly Open URLs in Flutter with the url_launcher Package


3 min read

In today’s mobile applications, it’s common to allow users to access external websites, social media platforms, or even open emails directly from the app. The url_launcher package in Flutter will enable developers to launch a URL in a mobile browser or perform other actions like sending emails or making phone calls.

In this blog, we will explore how to use the url_launcher package to enhance user interaction by enabling the opening of web links and other functionalities in your Flutter application.

1. What is the url_launcher Package?

The url_launcher package is a Flutter plugin that allows you to open URLs in a mobile platform-specific way. Whether you want to open a website, send an email, or make a phone call, url_launcher simplifies these tasks with straightforward methods.

2. Adding the Package to Your Flutter Project

To get started, add the url_launcher package to your pubspec.yaml file:

  url_launcher: latest_version

Run flutter pub get to install the package.

3. Importing the Package

Once you have added the package, import it into your Dart file:

import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';

4. Opening a Web URL

The simplest way to use the url_launcher package is to open a URL in the default web browser. Here’s how to do it:

void _launchURL() async {
  const url = '';
  if (await canLaunch(url)) {
    await launch(url);
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch $url';

In this function, we check if the URL can be launched using canLaunch(url). If it can, we use launch(url) to open it. Otherwise, we throw an error.

5. Opening Email Clients

You can also use the url_launcher package to open the default email client with a pre-filled recipient, subject, and body. Here's how:

void _launchEmail() async {
  final Uri emailLaunchUri = Uri(
    scheme: 'mailto',
    path: '',
    query: 'subject=Hello&body=How are you?',
  await launch(emailLaunchUri.toString());

This function constructs a mailto URI and launches it. This will prompt the user to send an email to the specified address with the pre-filled subject and body.

6. Making Phone Calls

The url_launcher package can also be used to initiate phone calls:

void _launchPhone() async {
  const phoneNumber = 'tel:+1234567890';
  if (await canLaunch(phoneNumber)) {
    await launch(phoneNumber);
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch $phoneNumber';

This function will open the phone app with the specified number ready to call.

7. Sending SMS

Similar to making phone calls, you can also send SMS messages:

void _launchSMS() async {
  const smsNumber = 'sms:+1234567890';
  if (await canLaunch(smsNumber)) {
    await launch(smsNumber);
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch $smsNumber';

This will open the SMS app with the specified number ready for the user to send a message.

8. Handling Unsupported Links

When working with URLs, it’s essential to handle cases where the URL can’t be launched. The canLaunch method helps you verify if the device can handle the URL scheme before attempting to launch it. If a user tries to open an unsupported URL, you can show a dialog or a message indicating the issue.

9. Conclusion

The url_launcher package is a powerful tool for enhancing user interaction in your Flutter applications. By enabling users to easily open web URLs, send emails, make calls, and send SMS messages, you can create a more connected and engaging app experience.

Whether you’re building a personal project or a production app, integrating the url_launcher package will provide essential functionalities that users expect from modern mobile applications. Try it out in your next Flutter project and see how it improves user experience!

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